正体を求めて True Identity
(謁見の間 昼)
Audience Chamber | Daytime
セテス: レア……話してくれ。君は私に何を隠している。
Seteth: Rhea, please talk to me. What are you hiding?
What is the meaning of how that one looks? It is almost as though...
レア: ですから、今言えることは何もありません。今節の終わりに……
Rhea: As I said, there is nothing of which to speak. For now. At the end of this month...
セテス: ジェラルトの日記を読んだ。彼の部屋で偶然、見つけてね。
Seteth: I read Jeralt's diary. I happened upon it in his room.
レア: !
Rhea: What?
セテス: 日記には、彼がここを出て行った理由も記されていたよ。
Seteth: In it, he stated the reason for his departure.
The baby thought to have died in the fire...has returned to us.
Jeralt realized that you had done something to the child and decided to flee.
What did you do to that baby, Rhea? Nothing...questionable, I should hope?
レア: セテス! まもなく人が来ます。これ以上は、やめてください。
Rhea: Seteth, enough. They will be here shortly. No more, I beg of you.
I will take our dear professor to the Holy Tomb. There...I should be able to see our dearest wishes to fruition.
When I was young, I hear her voice there... I'm sure of it.
レア: ……入りなさい。
Rhea: You may enter.
レア: ……待っていましたよ、Byleth。
Rhea: I have been awaiting your arrival, Professor.
Now that you have received sacred power from the goddess, there is somewhere you must pay a visit to at once.
You must go to the Holy Tomb so that you may receive a divine revelation from the goddess.
Choice 1: 聖墓……? The Holy Tomb?
Choice 2: 啓示……? A revelation?
セテス: 聖墓は女神の眠る場所。この大修道院は、元々それを守るために建てられたものだ。
Seteth: The Holy Tomb is where the goddess sleeps. This monastery was originally built for the purpose of protecting that hallowed temple.
レア: 限られた者しか知りませんが、聖墓にはセイロスにまつわる伝説があります。
Rhea: Only a select few know of it, but there is a legend about Seiros and the Holy Tomb.
Saint Seiros, the first soul to be gifted power from the goddess, received her revelation there.
She was told it was her sacred duty to save the people of Fódlan, and that she must use her power wisely in order to lead them.
The words that were handed down to Seiros from the goddess will likely fall upon your ears as well.
セテス: ……聖墓に赴くといい。なぜ君がその力を得られたのか、わかるかもしれん。
Seteth: Prepare yourself to go at once. There, may you find out why you were blessed with such power.
レア: 聖墓にて主の啓示を受ける儀式を行います。あなた方の学級に与える、今節の課題です。
Rhea: There will be a ceremony at the Holy Tomb. It is then that you will receive the goddess's revelation. You may share this mission with your students.
Choice 1: 生徒たちも一緒に? Do you think it wise to bring them into this?
Choice 2: なぜ課題に…… A mission? Now?
レア: セイロスが啓示を受けた際、その傍らには聖戦士らが控え、見守っていたといいます。
Rhea: It is said that when Seiros received the revelation, she had holy warriors by her side, protecting her.
Your students, who have followed you and fought alongside you through the darkest of times, are well suited to stand by you for the ceremony.
Of course, as the leader of the Church of Seiros, I will be by your side as well.
Choice 1: 珍しいStrange...
レア: それだけ特別なことなのです。
Rhea: The occasion is too significant to be missed.
Choice 2: 危険はないのか? Isn't that too dangerous? *Rhea up
レア: 聖墓は封じられた神聖なる地。案ずることはありません。
Rhea: The Holy Tomb is a sacred temple that is sealed off from the rest of the world. There is nothing to fear.
レア: 仮に良からぬことが起きようとも、私とて、己が身を守るくらいはできるつもりです。
Rhea: Even if something were to happen, I am more than capable of protecting myself.
セテス: ……いろいろな変化もあったが、君の役目は変わらない。
Seteth: Much has changed, but your duty has not wavered.
Steel your mind for the ceremony, and prepare your students well.
Advisory Room | Daytime
クロード: ……レアさんもセテスさんも、ただならぬ様子だったな。
Claude: Rhea and Seteth were not their usual selves...
What happened to Teach that's "questionable"? And what really awaits at the Holy Tomb?
The way they were acting, I don't think they have any plans of sharing that information...